Intelligent Design
"I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought," President Bush said. "You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas. The answer is yes." You go Mr. Bush -- my hat is off to you for defending free speech on evolution and supporting the right of students to hear about different scientific views!
Intelligent Design (for those of you who do not know what it is) challenges Darwin's theory of evolution. In a nutshell, Darwin says that all living things, including humans, are simply a product of meaningless, undirected, natural processes. Intelligent Design says that's not true. We are not here by chance, but rather by the design of a creator.
I put my belief in God and the story of creation that I have read in The Bible. What do you think? Do we come from Adam and Eve or are we decendants of the Apes? Leave a comment.
Neither. The theory of evolution states (paraphrasing in my own words, of course) that we are evolved from the same species that primates are evolved from. In fact, if you want to go back far enough, it theorizes that all living things are evolved from the same "root".
I'm not sure where you got the idea that evolution comes from "meaningless, undirected" processes. It is neither; look up the definition of "evolve", and you will see that it is both focused and with very specific cause / purpose. The theory of extinction proves this; species that can no longer evolve and adapt meaningfully into their environment will perish. That is no accident.
Any intellectual knows that a theory is just that - a loose framework that attempts to ascertain truths from our limited observations and experimentations. Nobody (at least, no thinking anthropologist, archaeologist or scientist) would put the theory of evolution forward as an absolute truth, but there is a remarkable body of evidence to suggest that this theory is at leasst pointing in the right direction.
By the way, I agree that education should indeed expose people to different schools of thought, and I have no problem with intelligent design being taught. I do, however, hope that *all* of these theories are presented as that; theories, based on our limited understanding of very complicated and abstract events that happened long before any of us were born.
I got here via "Who's blogging about Christ?" on the technorati site and I find that your renter for this week is my friend, Annette, from Blogging Days and Blogging Nights. And by the way, if we evolved from apes, I wonder why such progress is reversing? Actually, most apes probably act better than most humans, lol...
You may be interested in the following. Talk about conforming to things of the world, how sad is this :(
NEW YORK -- Nearly 450 Christian churches around the country plan to celebrate the 197th birthday of Charles Darwin on Sunday with programs and sermons intended to emphasize that his theory of biological evolution is compatible with faith and that Christians have no need to choose between religion and science. "It's to demonstrate, by Christian leaders and members of the clergy, that you don't have to make that choice. You can have both," said Michael Zimmerman, dean of College of Letters and Sciences at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, who organized the event.
"Evolution Sunday" has drawn participation from a variety of denominational and non-denominational churches, including Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Congregationalist, United Church of Christ, Baptist and a host of community churches, including at least 16 congregations in Illinois.
I wonder, if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?
Hi Mike- just wanted to thank you for bidding on my blog space and to welcome you as this weeks Feature Presentation.
ID should stay out of the science classroom. There are plenty of blogs on this subject, including my own:
here and here.
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