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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ask, Seek, Knock

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Matthew 7:7-8 New International Version

This is an awesome bible verse and one of my favorites. It is said by most commentaries that this passage refers to prayer.
  • Ask implies a simple petition
  • Seek indicates an earnast search
  • Knock shows perseverance in spite of hindrances

The three represent earnest prayer.

Jesus is talking about prayer and telling us that we can comepletly trust in God to listen to our prayers. This is good to know...God does hear our prayer!

Now don't expect an immediate response to your prayers, God will answer you in His own time. It may be right away, but more often then not, it may take months or even years before your prayers are answered.

Some people think that this verse is saying that we have a blank check from God and we can get whatever we want just by asking for it. This is far from true! We must go to God in prayer as a humble and submissive servant and ask for things that would be pleasing to Him. We must set aside our own will and accept God's will!

Your comments are welcome.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Things to do during Lenten Season

When I was a kid we were taught that we had to give up something every year for Lent. Of course it had to be something that you really liked; we were not allowed to give up homework or cleaning our room. More often than not I would give up chocolate, which always worked out well because at the end of Lent comes Easter and the Easter Bunny with loads of chocolate!

Lent is the time when Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days to fast, reflect and meditate. Since I am diabetic, I can not fast; however, I am certainly able to reflect and meditate. Over the years I have discovered that giving up something for Lent wasn’t really satisfying to me so I decided to take on something new instead. Here are some examples of how you can take on something new during this Lenten season. It’s a good way to renew your soul, your body and your life; give it a try!

The theme here is quiet, peaceful time for meditating and renewing yourself.

* Try turning off your television, radio, cell phone, computer, etc. Spend some quiet time with yourself and just relax a little bit each day.

* Go for a walk or a bike ride.

* Take a nice long, hot bubble bath.

* Let go of old grudges and resentment. Forgive and forget.

* Be nice to people, smile more and be kind to everyone you meet.

* Take time to read the Bible every day and spend time praying.

* If you really want to give something up, give up fast food; your body will love you for it.

Do these things for 40 days and when Easter rolls around you will feel refreshed and better about yourself.

Your comments are welcome.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Looking for friends and students of Joan Marinaro

My sister Joan Ellen Marinaro passed away in 2003. I am working on writing a book about her which will include her poetry and some stories from friends, fellow teachers and students.

When you think of Joan, you should remember bright colors, especially purple; jewelry everywhere, fun outfits, her laughter, her love for the children she taught, gardening, her unconditional love for animals and especially her beautiful smile. If my sister touched your life, please email me at mmarinaro@nc.rr.com and share your memories.

Joan was a teacher in Connecticut, Texas, Oregon, and Arizona. She also spent several years on a Navajo Reservation in Arizona teaching. If you remember Joan, please contact me.

You can read a little more about Joan Ellen Marinaro by clicking here.