The Easter Bunny VS. Jesus
April 16th is Easter Sunday. For Christians it is a time of celebration marking the end of the Lenten Season which began on Ash Wednesday. We also remember Easter as the day that Jesus ascended into Heaven!
If you ask most any child what Easter is all about, chances are they won't mention Jesus but will say The Easter Bunny! So how is it that a rabbit, brightly colored eggs, and chocolate have taken the spotlight away from Christ on this Holy day?
Easter originated long ago as a pagan holiday celebrating the goddess Eastre. She was the goddess of offspring and springtime. It just so happened that the ancient Saxons were honoring Eastre at the same time the Christian's were celebrating the Resurrection of Christ so the two holidays eventually merged together and became one and the name was changed to Easter. So how about the Easter Bunny, where did that come from? The answer again is Eastre; her earthly symbol was the rabbit.
Many cultures had a tradition of exchanging eggs in the springtime because the egg was a symbol of rebirth. The eggs were often wrapped with gold leaf or colored brightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers. Spring is a time of rebirth when all the flowers begin to bloom again and earth comes back to life.
In our house we do have Easter baskets filled with candy and chocolate bunnies for the children. We also have a tradition of coloring eggs; however, if you ask our grandchildren what Easter is all about, I am proud to say that they will tell you the story of Jesus!
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