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Monday, December 12, 2005

Want To Get Closer To Your Spouse?

Try doing this if you want to get closer to your spouse. Join a Bible Study group together. That's right, I said Bible Study. Chris and I have been together for 13-years and we have noticed that the times we are happiest is when we have been participating in a Bible study group together.

Right now we are a little upset because we haven't been able to meet on Sunday nights with our church group that is doing the Disciple Bible Study program. We have missed several weeks due to the hectic pace of the Christmas season! Hopefully, we can get back into it the first of the year again.

Not only will you get closer to your spouse by doing Bible Study but you will also get closer to God. There are all kinds of study groups available, a good place to look is within your own church. There are also many studies available online or at Christian bookstores.

We have found that by participating in small group Bible Studies we get more benefit. There is interaction between the members of the group and you get to hear different opinions and interpretations. The study we are in now comes with a great deal of homework also, but that is good because my wife and I do it together and learn from each other.

Give it a try; dust off your Bible, open it up and start reading. Then join a group and discuss what you have read. Do it together with your spouse and I guarantee you will become closer together because of it. Read, believe, be changed!


At 6:34 PM, December 12, 2005, Blogger Carol said...

I've started the Disciple Bible Study two different times and have yet to finish it. It's a HUGE commitment - what? 34 or 35 weeks, isn't it? Anyway -- good luck with it. I've only heard good things about it.

At 7:33 PM, December 12, 2005, Blogger cmmdtp said...

Thanks for comment Carol. Actually Chris and I did Disciple 1, 13-years ago and Disciple 2 the year after that. It is a huge committment, but we really learned much from it. That's why we are attempting to do it once again.

At 8:29 PM, December 13, 2005, Blogger JOE B said...

We get so tied up in our own things that we hardly have time for each other. This is an awesome idea! I think we are about to start up a few different classes at church, I am going to see if my wife will want to join me in one.
Joe B


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