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Monday, December 12, 2005

My First Tenant

I have my first tenant on this new blog. Please take a moment to visit her blog, "Reflections in the Mirror". Here is what Dawn says about her blog:

"My name is Dawn, I live in the Northeastern US, with my husband, two kids and various critters. Reflections is a personal journal/photoblog/hopefully someday an 'online store' for my crafts. This blog also gives me something to do with my time, which I am forced to share with Migraines. I am often awake late into the night, due to the meds that I am on, which has large amounts of caffine. I am happy that you have 'clicked', and I hope that you enjoy your visit to my site."

Dawn's blog is refreshing. You will find posts about her daily life, some great pictures and a section with her crafts. I'm sure you will enjoy your visit there and be sure to leave her a comment saying that you were sent there from "3 Is The Charm".

Whenever you are blog surfing make sure you have read the article "Blogging Etiquitte 101", and practice good blogging etiquitte.


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